ICA Research & Development SRL

ICA Research & Development is a company that successfully combines the tradition of Romanian scientific food research with the novelty of the most accurate laboratory techniques.

Since its beginnings, the institute was meant to carry out support for the development of Romanian food industry. Currently, the activity focuses both on the scientific and technological pilot scale testing of new technologies and concepts related to food science, and on the testing of the existing products in order to ensure common consumer needs for secure food and adequate nutrition. Thus, ICA Research & Development manages to cover the full range of scientific, technical and technological services needed by the common consumer, but especially by producers, processors, traders, importers and exporters of food products.

Tradition and experience of over 50 years recommends ICA Research&Development as a center of excellence in food technology research and as a performance center for laboratory analysis and tests, having the state of the art facilities and first-rate professionals.

Thus ICA R&D team comprises personalities in the field of nutrition and food technology, as well as young scientists, engineers, chemists or microbiologists.

Currently ICA R&D offers to its partners the possibility of making over 250 different tests in its ANSVSA authorized laboratories of food chemistry, food microbiology and ecology. As a proof of our specialists' competence and earstness ICA R&D laboratories have also been certified by RENAR  according to EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005.

The traditional partners of ICA R&D are important Romanian companies operating in different branches of food industry, most important retail chains from Romania, the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research and the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development, through research and development projects they support.

The scientific research areas of ICA R&D are structured as follows:

  • food safety and nutrition;
  • quality assessment of food and agricultural products;
  • technological processes in the food industry;
  • ecology of food technological processes;
  • using renewable energy resources;
  • food engineering;
  • food and agricultural products safety, chemical and microbiological contaminants, mycotoxins and allergens;
  • food biotechnology;
  • developing and implementing food safety programs based on GMP, GHP, HACCP, ISO 22000.

ICA R&D uses the results of research, development and innovation through activities such as:

  • technological transfer, under contractual agreement, of the research results to production field;
  • publication of scientific papers and dissemination of the research results, important esspecially for the food industry companies;
  • publication of scientific articles in national and international scientific events (congresses, conferences, symposia);
  • participation in specialized fairs in order to present the newly developed products or technologies.

Tradition of over half a century of being the best known Romanian research and development institution in food industry, leaded ICA R&D to a high degree of recognition of its results both at national and international level, recognition also proven by the significant number of research contracts coordinated and by the participation in European research consortia.

S.C. ICA RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT (ICA R&D) S.R.L, Splaiul Independentei, nr. 202, sector 6, Bucuresti,
telefon: 021.313.63.74, 021.316.01.44 ; fax 021.313.63.78
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